Players Wanted ! (updated August 2024)
Byron Red Star FC are recruiting players for the 2024 - 2025 season at various age ranges, we are currently looking for the following players: (Age groups & school years as of September 2024)
If there are no current vacancies in your age range and you are interested in joining, please contact us and we will be in touch to let you know if we have any places available as things do change.
We are always looking for volunteers and coaches to either help out with our existing teams or to start up new teams. Contact us to have chat about joining our fantastic club. We provide funding for FA accredited coaching courses, mentors and a welcome pack giving you all the information required.
Wildcats (Girls) Sessions - (Years Reception - Year 6)
Following a recent surge in Wildcats and four new teams being formed, we are now in a position to start taking reservations for our Wildcat sessions. Please contact David Game on 07841875252 if your daughter is interested in joining and we will add your daughter to a waiting list.
Under 6's/Development squad - (Year 1)
Our development sessions are OPEN and continue through the year, with the view that as the boys develop and the coaches are able to work with the boys more, they will then be split into three or four groups based on their ability level. Sessions take place on Saturday mornings (9am to 10am) at Frances Bardsley school. Please contact David on 07841 875252 before coming over for a free session.
Under 7's - (Year 2)​
Please contact David on 07841 875252 before coming over for a free session.
Under 8's - (Year 3)​
Please contact David on 07841 875252 before coming over for a free session.
Under 9's - (Year 4)​​
Our Hawks are looking for someone who is interested in playing in goal and an outfield player who is looking to push themselves and the team forward. The team plays in the tops divisions of the Echo league and they train on Thursday evenings. Please contact Chris on 07793 315 699 for a chat.​
Our Merlins are looking to add a couple of players in preparation to moving to 7 a side in September. Happy to look at all levels of players as they have a strong focus on improving and developing players. Please contact Scott on 07595 304 494 for a chat.
Under 10's - (Year 5)​​​​​
All our teams are full at this age group.​
Under 11's - (Year 6)
Our Kestrels currently playing in the Croatia division in the Echo league are looking for a couple of players of similar standard. They train twice a week in Romford. Please contact Brad for a chat on 07921 523 177.
Our Merlins are looking for a couple of defensive minded players as they prepare to move to 9 a side in September. They play in the 7th division of the Brentwood league but are slowly moving up the divisions. Contact Chris on 07703 581 837 for a chat.
Under 12's - (Year 7)
All our teams are full at this age group.
Under 13's - (Year 8)​
​Our Merlins are on the lookout for one or two outfield players to compliant their developing squad in September. They train Saturdays and Wednesdays at Britton’s Playing Fields. Please contact Ray on 07932 024 259​
Our Panthers are play in the Essex County Girls League (ECGL) are looking for a couple of players to complete the season and when they move to 11 a side in September. They train Friday evenings (6-7pm) and play matches on Sundays. Please contact Mark on 07710 308 902 for a chat.
Under 14's - (Year 9)​​
All our teams are full at this age group.
Under 15's - (Year 10)​​
All our teams are full at this age group.
Under 16's -(Year 11)
Our Eagles are looking for a couple of outfield players to strengthen their team after completing a league and cup double last season. They train on Tuesday 6.45-8 pm and on Fridays. 7-8pm. Please contact Steve on 07967 127156 for a chat.
Under 17's
Our Eagles are looking a couple of boys as they move into the new season.
They train on a Tuesday evening (6.00-7.30) & Saturday morning (10.30-12.00)…
All positions… (apart from goalkeeper).. Contact Jon Gray on 07951 669192 -
Our Kestrels are looking for a confident and committed GK to help the team push on in Division 1. They train every Wednesday at 8pm and play matches on Sunday's. Please contact Gordon on 07816 943 343
Open age
Our Sunday league team who are in the Essex Corinthian league are looking for a couple of players (ideally those that have played for Byron or now have a child playing for us) to help them push on after a successful season, which ended with them winning the Div 5 cup. Please contact Joe on 07903 737 409 for a chat prior to coming over.

With our younger age groups, the focus is on having fun, building technique and encouraging players to express themselves

Attitude is a LITTLE thing that makes a BIG difference.

Challenges are what makes life INTERESTING. Overcoming them is what makes life MEANINGFUL.

Working, Learning & Growing Together