Presentation evening goes off with a bang!Byron Red Star FCJul 9, 20171 min read Thank you to all the boys and parents for a fantastic day. What a way to end our first full season together ! Onwards and upwards ! Byron's Presentation EveningOur SponsorsSpecial Thanks !The boys !The boys !The boys !The boys !The boys !The boys !IMG-20170710-WA0004IMG-20170710-WA0001Superstar !Superstar ! #Awardsdo
Thank you to all the boys and parents for a fantastic day. What a way to end our first full season together ! Onwards and upwards ! Byron's Presentation EveningOur SponsorsSpecial Thanks !The boys !The boys !The boys !The boys !The boys !The boys !IMG-20170710-WA0004IMG-20170710-WA0001Superstar !Superstar ! #Awardsdo